Pest Control Blog: Eliminating Mice, Cockroaches and the Other PestsPest Control Blog: Eliminating Mice, Cockroaches and the Other Pests

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Pest Control Blog: Eliminating Mice, Cockroaches and the Other Pests

Hi, my name is Susie, and I used to feel like I as a magnet for pests. As soon as I got rid of the fruit flies, the cockroaches would appear. As soon as I got rid of the cockroaches, the mice would appear. It felt like a never-ending cycle until I learned how to deal with each pest in its own way. If you want to learn to eliminate pests from your home forever, you need a foolproof strategy. You need a basic understanding of each type of pest, and you also need to know when to call the pros. Want to learn those tips? Then, explore this blog.


Termite Treatments

Termites, which are also known as white ants, are the most dangerous among a wide range of pests which cause the most destruction in Australia. Termites can cause damage to structures and homes amounting to millions of dollars. It is more unfortunate that as the termites cause damage, insurance companies, which are supposed to aid people, do not cover any damages that may have been caused by termites.

When you find termites in your home, cover the area with cardboard and tape it. Then call your local commercial pest control agency immediately. Termite treatments have three main stages:

Control Treatment of Colony

In the case that you may suspect or find termites in your home, a full termite inspection process is advisable to evaluate as to what measure the termites have caused damage. The first stage of treatment is the extermination of termite nests in a programmed way.

Protection of the Perimeter

After the termites have been exterminated from your building, the next step is to create a treated perimeter around your home. A termite interception or monitoring system can be setup alternatively to ensure that termites do not attack your building again.

Maintenance Inspections

In termite treatments, the aspect of doing inspections is recommended after a period of 12 months. This inspection interval is dependent on the design of your building and the protection system you have installed.

Commercial Pest Control

Commercial pest control is an industry or business which is important in ensuring that termite treatments among other forms of pest control are achieved. Commercial pest control is valid because it is a business which ensures individuals can inspect homes and buildings adequately and then offer termite treatment services to clients. Commercial pest control saves individuals a fortune if they are affected by termites; therefore, it is a valid option in termite treatments.

Summing up

The destructive nature of termites should be a warning sign to you so that you may avoid suffering heavy losses in your structures and homes. Termite inspections should be done by qualified commercial pest control management companies and a report should be drawn up. The report should meet all the set Australian pest control standards by ensuring the latest equipment and tools such as a thermal camera and a moisture meter are utilized in the pest control inspection process. The termite inspection process will guide in identifying whether your structure or home may have termites and the various termite treatments available.